Gas for Glass

Lamp working is a hobby which has increased in popularity over the past few years. It is a glass making process using oxygen and propane to melt glass at high temperatures.

Andrew and his wife Sue (who teaches lamp working at an adult education centre in the lake district) are dedicated to getting more people involved with this fascinating hobby, Andrew told us that he and his wife ‘got the bug’ when visiting the US, where lamp working is already very popular. Andrew commented that oxygen availability is a stumbling block for many lamp workers and he is pleased to have found a reliable, cost effective supplier. After speaking with Andrew it is easy to understand why a rent free cylinder is the obvious solution for hobby lamp workers.
Andrew told us;
“I think Hobbyweld could very well be of interest to many lamp workers who would rather not pay for ‘oxy-cons’ which can cost up to £500 each, or the hobby lamp workers who are currently paying rental fees for oxygen cylinders. There are various levels of lamp working; you can start with a very basic £30 torch (which uses MAPP gas) all the way up to torches that cost £1000’s and usually require importing. Then, there are those who spend every day on the torches to those who do an hour or two a week. The right solution for them has to take into account space and location as well.”

Sue tends to make decorative beads using soda glass whereas Andrew leans more towards making marbles out of borosilicate glass.
Article by John Holmes | Visuals provided by Andrew