Welding and Fashion

You may remember Nigel Carren from a post in January 2015. With the help of Hobbyweld, Nigel’s client, Vivian Lee (an artist from New York City) had the wedding of her dreams. Nigel combined welding and fashion to create Vivian’s wedding shoes using a cylinder of Hobbyweld 5. You can see the shoes pictured and the fantastic details that go into his work. I’m sure Vivian was over the moon to be carried over the threshold, albeit heavier with those shoes on…

Anyone for tea?
As a man who enjoys a cup of tea, I was surprised when Nigel showed me a picture of a lady standing in a giant tea-cup wearing a steel skirt, bra and giant teaspoon (pictured below) made for a tea-themed one-woman London show titled ‘Camellia and the Rabbit’.
An extract from the shows programme;
“It is the elixir of the Gods. It has stirred wars, created vast fortunes and advanced medical science. It is at its prime in the afternoon. It has infused women’s liberation and it can always be relied upon in a crisis. It is Camellia Sinesis and it has rescued a rabbit, charmed a magician and saved Rachel’s life. A true story seen through the gauze of an Assam tea bag, that most reliable of teas.”
The edge of glory
Nigel has also made pieces for Lady Gaga, but explains;
“I am unable to send these images yet as they have not yet been officially released, this is always a frustration for me. Perhaps the MOST frustrating part of my job is the restoration work… I am not allowed to talk about it as some dealers and museums really don’t want the outside world to know everything, because sometimes the word restoration is a swear-word, so I just have to sit quietly backstairs and keep my mouth shut, though job satisfaction for me is just as good.”
Article by John Holmes | Visuals provided by Nigel Carren